The ACADEMY OF CLINICAL SLEEP DISORDERS DISCIPLINES is the only organization offering fully online and on-demand Dental Sleep Medicine. A non-profit, multidisciplinary dental sleep medicine education provider focused on collaborative training and education. Our practitioners focus in the fields of sleep-related breathing disorders, temporomandibular joint disorders, and craniofacial pain.

The ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY is committed to providing quality continuing education to dentists. The AGD House of Delegates, executive committee, board, regional directors, division coordinators, councils and committees, and constituents work together to advance general dentistry and oral health through quality continuing education and advocacy.

The ACADEMY OF LASER DENTISTRY is devoted to clinical education, research and the development of standards and guidelines for the safe and effective use of laser technology. Through our educational offerings and credentialing program, we provide valuable expertise in the field of lasers in dentistry.

The ACADEMY OF OPERATIVE DENTISTRY.  The Objective of the Academy of Operative Dentistry is to promote excellence in operative dentistry by exerting our influence in the practice of the health professions, in organized dentistry, in health science education, in research and in any other realm where dentistry is involved.

The ACADEMY OF OSSEOINTEGRATION.  With 6,000 members in 70 countries around the world, the AO is recognized as the premier international association for professionals interested in implant dentistry. AO serves as a nexus where specialists and generalists can come together to evaluate emerging research, technology, and techniques; share best information; and coordinate optimal patient care using timely, evidence-based science and methods.

The ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL DENTAL FRATERNITY.  To offer dentists, oral health professionals and students a welcoming fraternal community that honors the organization’s Judaic heritage, provides opportunities to attain professional excellence and promotes access to oral health care for all.

The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF COSMETIC DENTISTRY is dedicated to advancing excellence in the art and science of comprehensive cosmetic dentistry and encouraging the highest standards of ethical conduct and responsible patient care.

The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DENTAL HYGIENE mission is to provide professional growth through Leadership, Mentorship, and Fellowship. By fostering the continuing pursuit of education and research in the art and science of dental hygiene.

The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DENTAL GROUP PRACTICE is a dedicated to providing it’s members an environment to collaborate, and pursue the best dental group practices. They provide educational resources to provide dentists, managers and administrators valuable info to run their practices more efficiently. 

The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DENTAL PRACTICE is a preeminent dental organization, dedicated to fostering mentorship, education and community among dental professionals. At AADP, we believe successful dentistry means a balance of life, work, and family. We also believe in shared knowledge, a spirit of fellowship and being cheerleaders for each other. 

The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF IMPLANT DENTISTRY is a committed to providing expert education, training, and experience in the area of treatment planning and treatment of dental implants. They have a Fellowship and Diplomate program along with an online directory for patients. 

The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL PATHOLOGY goal is to assist healthcare professionals identify and mange diseases affecting the oral and maxillofacial regions and investigate the causes and processes and effects of these diseases. They offer educational opportunities and continuing education.  

The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY mission is to be the recognized leader in oral and maxillofacial radiology (OMR) serving both patients and health care professionals. They provide resources to help enhance the practices, along with scientific knowledge.

The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ORAL FACIAL PAIN goal is to improve the diagnosis, management, and treatment of pain disorders of the jaw, mouth, face, head, and neck. Providing research on the underlying pathophysiology, etiology, prevention, and treatment of these disorders.

The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ORAL MEDICINE mission is to advance excellence in patient care, and research in the field of oral medicine. The AAOM integrates medicine and dentistry to promote optimal health.

The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY mission is to advance optimal oral health for all children by delivering outstanding services that meets and exceeds the needs and expectations of our members. It provides professional education programs and publications that represent the specialty of pediatric dentistry.

The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PERIODONTOLOGY mission is to be the voice for periodontists as the collaborative partner to achieve optimal oral health and create professional partnerships for optimal patient health and quality of life. They offer both clinical and practice resources to help their members.  

The AMERICAN ACADEMY FOR ORAL SYSTEMIC HEALTH is an organization of healthcare leaders and health professionals dedicated to expanding awareness of the relationship between oral health and whole-body health. AAOSH membership includes and is open to health professionals from many allied health disciplines, corporate supporters and sponsors, health educators, and healthcare leaders.

The AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ENDODONTISTS is a global resource for knowledge, research and education for the profession, members, as well as the public. This site has valuable information for both patients as well as professionals. You can access clinical and research materials to provide the highest quality care.

The AMERICAN BOARD OF ORTHODONTISTS strives to be the global leader in orthodontic board certification and set the standards of care for excellence in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. Their mission is to elevate the quality of orthodontic care for the public by promoting excellence through certification, education, and professional collaboration.

The AMERICAN BOARD OF PROSTHODONTISTS mission is to certify individuals who have demonstrated special knowledge and skills in prosthodontics.  It encourages life-long learning and a lifetime of ethical practices including valuing the doctor/patient relationship. They provide a series of Continuing Education Programs as well as recertification programs.

The AMERICAN COLLEGE OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGEONS The mission of the American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons is to enhance surgical excellence through education and to promote fellowship amongst oral and maxillofacial surgeons. They deliver courses both live and through their online learning center with resources for oral surgeons including topics such as cosmetic facial cosmetic surgery.

The AMERICAN DENTAL ASSISTANT ASSOCIATION is the professional organization for dental assistants.  It celebrates its 95th year in 2020. It’s mission as advancing the careers of dental assistants and advocating for the dental assisting profession in matters of education, professional activities, credentialing and legislation.

The AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION is the professional organization for dentists. It has over 163,000 members and it exists to power the profession of dentistry and assist it’s members in advancing overall health of their patients for the past 160 years. Offering a dentist locator, credentialing tools and being a strong advocate for dentists in both public health and teaming up with industry partners.

The AMERICAN DENTAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION is the voice for professional dental education. This website is focused on helping DENTAL STUDENTS. Help you decide on dentistry as a career. Guide to applications to dental schools. Financial options for your education. Collaborate with your colleagues. Centralized application services to dental schools. Options after you graduate.

The AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR DENTAL AESTHETICS is made up or members who share a long-long commitment to learning and providing exceptional care. It has strived to be the catalyst for increasing national awareness of dental aesthetics and advancements in the field. They provide comprehensive teaching programs on the art and science of cosmetic dentistry.

The DENTAL ASSISTING NATIONAL BOARD, INC. offers educational programs and certifications for dental assistants. It also offers awareness programs to the public. They offer continuing education programs as well as front office manager training programs. They also have state-specific training resources to help with requirements, and job function for different states.

The HOLISTIC DENTAL ASSOCIATION provides support and guidance to practitioners of holistic and alternative dentistry. Their purpose is to provide guidance to those persons seeking to participate in their own health care and expand their awareness and knowledge.

The NATIONAL DENTAL ASSOCIATION is the largest and oldest organization of minority oral health professionals in the world. The NDA represents more than 7,000 minority dentists nationally and abroad. The NDA hosts several annual events for dentists, dental students and healthcare professionals in order to serve the community and enhance the skill sets of its members.

The OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION. Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance.